HRM MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Which of the following would likely be the least effective method of recruiting internal job candidates?
A: Posting information on Organisational bulletin boards
B: Examining HR records of current employees
C: Advertising in national newspapers and journals
D: Internal Sources
Advertising in national newspapers and journals
The thorough & detailed study.regarding jobs within an Organisation is represented by:__________?
A: Job analysis
B: Job description
C: Job specification
D: Job evaluation
Job analysis
The process of choosing individuals who have re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings is__________?
A: Screening process
B: Selection process
C: Interview process
D: Pre-screeninq process
Selection process
Firing the non-performing employees, HR manager is said to perform the__________?
A: Interpersonal role
B: Informational role
C: Supportive role
D: Decisional role
Decisional role
Which of the following component of attitude represents a persons opinions knowledge, and information?
A: Affective component
B: Cognitive component
C: Behavioral component
D: Objective component
Cognitive component
Advertisements through newspapers, TV, radio, professional journals and magazines are___________methods of recruitment.
A: Direct
B: Indirect
C: Third-party
D: E-recruitment
Human Resource Management aims to maximize employees as well as Organizational_________________?
A: Effectiveness
B: Economy
C: EffiCiency
D: Performativity
Strategic human resource management aims to achieve competitive advantage in the market through__________?
A: Price
B: Product
C: People
D: Process
Strategic management process usually consists of _________steps.
A: Four
B: Five
C: Six
D: Seven Read More Details about this Mcq
Formulating and executing HR systems that produce employee competencies and behaviors needed to achieve the companys strategic aims is/are_____________?
A: Strategic HR Management
B: Strategy executjon
C: HR strategies
D: Strategic implementation
Strategic HR Management