HRM MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Selection is_________?
A: Subjective
B: Objective
C: Normative
D: Positive
A: follows selection
B: precedes selection
C: matches selection
D: none of the above
precedes selection
Manpower inventory is ____________?
A: to find out how manpower is to be utilized
B: to prepare inventory for scheduling manpower
C: the data collected about the present employees of an organization
D: the data as calculated by demand forecast and compared with inventory in respect of manpower
the data collected about the present employees of an organization
E-recruiting methods include____________?
A: internet job boards
B: career websites
C: employer websites
D: all of the above
all of the above
The Job Characteristics Model is one of the most influential attempts to____________?
A: design jobs with increased motivational properties
B: assign jobs with proper motivational properties
C: analyse jobs with increase and proper motivation
D: describe jobs with increase motivation for proper jobs
design jobs with increased motivational properties
Organisational factors affecting job design are ______________?
A: workforce and cultural factors
B: employee availability and abilities
C: ergonomics and cultural factors
D: feedback and diversity factors
workforce and cultural factors
The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it is ______________?
A: job analysis
B: job design
C: job recruitment
D: job description
job analysis
A list of the duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions and supervisory responsibilities of a job as a product of a job analysis is _____________?
A: job enlargement
B: job design
C: job description
D: job enlistment
job description
Job Characteristics Model is proposed by ____________?
A: Hockman and Coldham
B: Hockman and Oldcham
C: Hackman and Oldham
D: Horkman and Olatham
Hackman and Oldham
The Integrated System Model of Strategic Human Resource Manaqement acknowledges the existence within the organisation of _______________?
A: multiple cultural and strategic environment
B: multiple stakeholders
C: multiple recruitment integrated system
D: multiple structural organisations
multiple stakeholders