HRM MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
The written statement of the findings of job analysis is called __________?
A: Job design
B: Job classification
C: Job description
D: Job evaluation
Job description
The first step in the human resource planning process is ____________?
A: Preparing a job analysis
B: Forecasting future human resource needs
C: Assessing future demand
D: Assessing future supply
Forecasting future human resource needs
Which of the following approach emphasizes the effect of psychological &. Social factors on employees performance?
A: Scientific approach
B: Rational approach
C: Human relations approach
D: Systematic approach
Human relations approach
Campus Recruiting does not have the advantage of___________?
A: High Intellectual Capacity
B: Higher understanding of organization
C: High level of curiosity
D: High potential
Higher understanding of organization
Increasing the number and variety of tasks assigned to a job is called__________?
A: Job rotation
B: Job enlargement
C: Job enrichment
D: A. and C.
Job enlargement
The goal of this stage of HR intranet site development is to provide employees with a truly individualized experience based on their individual profiles?
A: Brochure ware
B: Transactional
C: Lnteqrated
D: Personalized
Vertical integration in relation to SHRM can be described as which of the following?
A: The relationship or integration between an Organisations senior managers
B: The relationship or integration between HR functional policies
C: for example employee development
D: employee reward and employee relations
E: The relationship or integration between the internal HR processes
The relationship or integration between the internal HR processes, and the Organisations business strategy and external market.
Why might there be some difficulty in identifying and applying the Best-practice approach to HRM in Organisations?
A: Because the best-practice approach tends to be resource- intensive
B: Because there is much variation in the literature and empirical research as to what constitutes best-practice
C: Because the best-practice approach would not fit the cost-reduction driven strategies favoured by many in short-termist economies.
D: Because the best-practice approach does not emphasize the individual business context
Because the best-practice approach tends to be resource- intensive
Which of these models is not a rational planning approach?
A: Corporate- level strategic planning
B: Strategic business unit level strategic planning
C: Processual Approach
D: Operational level strategic planning
Processual Approach
Relationship between HRM & Management?
A: Both are same .
B: Management is one aspect of HRM
C: HRM is one aspect of Management
D: No relationship exists
HRM is one aspect of Management