Marketing MCQs
Marketing MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Many brick-and-click competitors became stronger contenders in the marketplace than the pure-click firms because they had a larger pool of resources to work with and ________.
A: Better prices
B: Well-established brand names
C: One-on-one communications
D: direct selling capability
Well-established brand names
The __________ is practiced most aggressively with unsought goods, goods that buyers normally do not think of buying, such as insurance, encyclopedias, and funeral plots.
A: Marketing concept
B: Selling concept
C: Production concept
D: Product concept
Selling concept
The ________ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.
A: Product
B: Marketing
C: Production
D: Selling
The concept holds that consumers and businesses, if left alone, will ordinarily not buy enough of the organizations products is termed as____________?
A: Production Concept
B: Selling Concept
C: Marketing Concept
D: Buying Concept
Selling Concept
Several scholars have found that companies who embrace the marketing concept achieve superior performance. This was first demonstrated for companies practicing a ___________ understanding and meeting customers expressed needs.
A: Reactive market orientation
B: Proactive marketing orientation
C: Total market orientation
D: Impulsive market orientation
Reactive market orientation
In the course of converting to a marketing orientation, a company faces three hurdles _______.
A: Organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting
B: Management, customer reaction, competitive response
C: Decreased profits, increased R&D, additional distribution
D: Forecasted demand, increased sales expense, increased inventory costs
Organized resistance, slow learning, and fast forgetting
Companies that practice both a reactive and proactive marketing orientation are implementing a __________ and are likely to be the most successful.
A: Total market orientation
B: External focus
C: Customer focus
D: Competitive, customer focus
Total market orientation
Marketers argue for a __________ in which all functions work together to respond to, serve, and satisfy the customer.
A: Cross-functional team orientation
B: Collaboration model
C: Customer orientation
D: Management-driven organization
Customer orientation
Sales force compensation should direct the sales force toward activities that are consistent with _________ ?
A: Overall company strategies
B: Overall company objectives
C: Overall department objectives
D: Overall marketing objectives
E: All of the above
All of the above
In response to giant retailers and category killers, entrepreneurial retailers are building entertainment into stores with coffee bars, lectures, demonstrations, and performances. They are marketing a(n) ________ rather than a product assortment.
A: Customer value
B: Customer delight
C: total service solution
D: intangible benefit(s)
Customer value