The focus of Human Resource Management revolves around____________?

A: Machine

B: Motivation

C: Money

D: Men

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Which of the following is closely associated with strategic human resource management?

A: Infficient utilisation of human resources

B: Not attracting the best human resources

C: Providing Superficial training

D: Providing Best training methods

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Providing Best training methods

Creating an environment that facilitates a continuous and . two-way exchange of information between the superiors and the subordinates is the core of_____________?

A: High involvement management model

B: Low commitment management model

C: High performance management model

D: Low performance Management model

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High involvement management model

Identifying and executing the firms mission by matching its capabilities with demands of its environment is the firms:

A: Strategic Management

B: Mission statement

C: Vision

D: SWOT analysis

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Strategic Management

_____________examination may protect the company against unwarranted claims under workers compensation laws?

A: Written

B: Physical

C: Mental

D: Reference

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Internal recruitment has the potentiality to increase the of the employees.

A: Conflicts

B: Misunderstanding

C: Income

D: Morale

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HR managers play vital role in___________?

A: Setting production targets

B: Formulating strategies

C: Publishing financial statements

D: Preparing reports to shareholders

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Formulating strategies

HRM is more___________ whereas Personnel Management is slightly narrow?

A: Complex

B: Detailed

C: Mechanical

D: Growth-oriented

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Which of the following term is used to identify, œwhat the job holder does? œhow it is done? & œwhy it is done?

A: Job specification

B: Job evaluation

C: Job description

D: Job title

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Job description

Which of the following statement represents effectiveness ?

A: Achieve most output in less time

B: Achieve mass production

C: Achieve most output with least input

D: Achieve Organisational goals

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Achieve Organisational goals

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