Everyday Science MCQs
Everyday Science MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Which type of Acid present in Tea ?
A: Lactic acid
B: Carbonic acid
C: Tanic Acid
D: All of These
Tanic Acid
Which of the following is most elastic ?
A: Steel
B: Rubber
C: Glass
D: Sponge
Hygrometer is used for measuring the ____________?
A: Speed of sound
B: Density of milk
C: Humidity of air
D: Specific gravity of liquids
Humidity of air
Role of biotechnology in the production of food based on ___________?
A: Decomposition
B: Respiration
C: Digestion
D: Fermentation
Sensitive layer of the eye is?
A: Choriods
B: Sclerotic
C: Retina
D: Cornea
Copper can be converted into gold by ?
A: Artificial radioactivity
B: heating
C: Electroplating
D: Chemical reaction
Artificial radioactivity
Ombrophobia is fear of_______?
A: Snow
B: Rain
C: Smog
D: None of these
The Proportion of Hydrogen to Helium in the Sun is___?
A: 3:01
B: 3:02
C: 1:01
D: 3:04
The approximate intensity level of the sound which can cause damage to the ear drum is?
A: 60 dB
B: 20 dB
C: 100 dB
D: 160 dB
100 dB
Animals living in the Tree trunks are known as______?
A: Volant
B: Arboreal
C: Amphibious
D: Aquaticx