Circular disc shaped structure with a round hole is ___________ ?

A: Iris

B: Pupil

C: Horoid coat

D: Ciliary body

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The higher animals have special organs for exchange of gases as their skin is ___________ ?

A: Thin

B: Thick

C: Soft

D: Hard

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Dorsal root of spinal nerves contain only __________ ?

A: A. Effectors neurons

B: Receptor neurons

C: Stimulators

D: Detector neurons

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Receptor neurons

Study of interaction of living organisms with other organisms and their environment relates with ___________ ?

A: A. Botany

B: Ecology

C: Social biology

D: Pharmacology

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__________is a condition in which there is an absence of oxygen supply to an organs tissues?

A: Anoxia

B: Anorexia

C: Hypoxia

D: Enuresis

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Virus is__________?

A: unicellular

B: multicellular

C: acellular

D: none of these

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Length of membranous urethra is about ___________ ?

A: 1 cm

B: 2 cm

C: 5 cm

D: 9 cm

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1 cm

Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?

A: Suckers

B: corms

C: corals

D: None

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Outer surface of bones is covered by a dense layer of connective tissue, called as ___________ ?

A: Periosteum

B: Woven bone

C: Epithelium lining

D: Connective lining

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Another name for liver is called ___________ ?

A: Hepar

B: Hepta

C: Heptum

D: Hilum

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