Biology MCQs
Biology MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2021 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Deficiency of vitamin C will cause:__________?
A: Beri-Beri
B: Architis
C: Scurvy
D: Night-blindness
Coelom is divided into septa in case of:__________?
A: Molluscs
B: Annelids
C: Sponges
D: Cniderians
Haemoglobin is dissolved in the blood of:___________?
A: Earthworm
B: Cockroach
C: Hydra
D: Sponges
Term the time during which an orgnism is present in the body before causing disease ?
A: Rest period
B: Incubation period
C: Sleeping period
D: Inclubation time
Incubation period
Insects responsible for transmitting diseases are called___________?
A: Drones
B: Vectors
C: Hybirds
D: None of these
Genetic information carriers is/are____________?
B: Chromosomes
C: Gene
D: Nucleus
The number carpels in our feet is__________?
A: 7
B: 14
C: 16
D: (0) Zero
(0) Zero
The first cloned animal was____________?
A: Goat
B: Cow
C: Rat
D: Sheep
Oxygen is the production of____________?
A: Mitochonderia
B: Chloroplast
C: Peroxisomes
D: Both A & B
The method of reproduction of new plants by cells instead of seed is known is:___________?
A: Tissue culture
B: Mutation
C: Antibiosis
D: Recombination
Tissue culture