Biology MCQs
Biology MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Which of the following are insulin dependent Glut receptors?
A: Glut 1&3
B: Glut 2
C: Glut 1
D: Glut 4
Glut 4
Stress indicating hormones are____________?
A: Cortisol
B: Adrenaline
D: All of these
All of these
Which of the following are the properties of Anti inflammatory medicines?
A: Anti inflammation
B: Immuno suprent
C: Anti pyratic
D: All
Linnaeus published the list of names of plants in___________?
A: 1752
B: 1753
C: 1754
D: 1755
Human blood is a viscous fluid due to_________?
A: Platelets in plasma
B: Proteins in blood
C: RBC and WBC in blood
D: Sodium in serum
Proteins in blood
There are cells in human body called Faggot cells which cause__________?
B: Tuberculosis
C: Smallpox
D: Leukaemia
What is the percentage of water present in our brain?
A: 85%
B: 95%
C: 97%
D: 73%
Which of the following proteins have role in heredity?
A: Chromo-proteins
B: Lipo-proteins
C: Phospho-proteins
D: Nucleo-proteins
Deficiency of vitamin C will cause:__________?
A: Beri-Beri
B: Architis
C: Scurvy
D: Night-blindness
Coelom is divided into septa in case of:__________?
A: Molluscs
B: Annelids
C: Sponges
D: Cniderians