Synonyms Mcqs
Synonyms Mcqs Test Preparation | Latest 2020 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
A: table setting
B: overall atmosphere
C: light luggage
D: style of cooking
Check Correct Option
style of cooking
Kamran Khan is a BBA Graduate with a dream to qualify the CSSs commission he have deep knowledge in Management Sciences, English, Pakistan Studies, Current Affairs and Finance. Currently he is studying in MBA Department in the Changsha University of China.
Synonyms Mcqs Test Preparation | Latest 2020 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.