English MCQs
As English is one of the most significant subjects with regards to any instruction field so it is critical to have a solid hold over this language. So as to help our guests in explaining their ideas about the different subjects of the English language and furthermore to test their insight about it, we have given free online tests beneath which incorporate inquiries identified with various points, for example, equivalents, Prepositions, Grammar, Analogy, and jargon, synonym, antonym, comprehension and so forth.
These English MCQs questions are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
A: dupe : gullible
B: liar : facetious
C: judge : impartial
D: commentator : caustic
E: criminal : hostil
dupe : gullible
Drugs addicts in Pakistan are__ in special centers set up by the Government.
A: Consulted
B: Consolidated
C: Inhabited
D: Indoctrinated
Joke: Laughter ::
A: Disease: Medicine
B: Cry: Sorrow
C: Miracle: Surprise
D: Death: Life
Miracle: Surprise
A: Bedsheet : Bed
B: Cockroach : Insect
C: Mat : Floo
D: Pillow : Cushion
Cockroach : Insect
Always try to be polite __ others.
A: Â to
B: Â with
C: Â for
D: Â on
Amna was engaged __ Asim.
A: Â from
B: Â with
C: Â to
D: Â None
Reptile is to Lizard as Flower is to________?
A: Stem
B: Petal
C: Alligato
D: Daisy
The lion sprang__the buffaloes.
A: in
B: at
C: upon
D: on
The players agreed to abide __ the referee’s decision.
A: By
B: With
C: In
D: Into
A: argue : debate
B: supply : donate
C: drink : guzzle
D: grumble : accuse
E: pacify : interven
drink : guzzle