General Knowledge MCQs
General Knowledge MCQs consists of World Geography, Atmosphere, Science, Literature, events MCQs, and International Organizations. These general knowledge questions are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, STS, ETEA, and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
Which state of USA is called the mother of president?
A: Texas
B: Virginia
C: California
D: Florida
TA stands for?
A: Territorial army
B: Travelling allowance
C: Teaching academy
D: A & B
A & B
GMT stands for?
A: Greenwich mean time
B: Giant meter television
C: General management time
D: A & B
Greenwich mean time
AU stands for?
A: Astronomical unit
B: African union
C: Arithmetic unit
D: All
ATC stands for?
A: Anti terrorism court
B: Air traffic control
C: Arithmetic table calculator
D: A & B
A & B
Where proposed Kala Bagh dam is located?
A: Kabul
B: Indus
C: Chenab
D: Hub
10 downing street is the official residence of the prime Minister of which country?
C: Russia
D: France
Favourite place for Hollywood film production is?
A: Virginia
B: Los Angeles
C: Hawaii
D: New Jersey
Los Angeles
A system of wind in which wind blows spirally toward the center of low pressure is called?
A: Quasars
B: Cyclone
C: Meteors
D: Comets
PkMAP stands for
A: Pakhtunkhwa Mutahida Awami Party
B: Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party
C: Pakhtunkhwa Mohajir Awami Party
D: Pakhtunkhwa Muslim Awami Party
Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party