Everyday Science MCQs
Everyday Science MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Battery was invented by_____?
A: Alessandro Volta
B: Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
C: Michael Faraday
D: Friedrich Bessel
Alessandro Volta
Which is the hardest substance in the human body?
A: Skull
B: Tooth enamel
C: Knee cap
D: Rib
Tooth enamel
Soap and detergents remove the dirt from clothes due to_____?
A: Capillary action
B: Osmosis
C: Lowering of interfacial tension
D: Diffusion
Lowering of interfacial tension
Deficiency of vitamin B1 is causes_____?
A: Bone Infection
B: Rickets
C: Beriberi
D: Myopia
What amount of fats give energy of 9.3 K Calories?
A: 1.0 gram
B: 0.5 gram
C: 2.0 gram
D: 4.1 gram
1.0 gram
Water is heated in a kettlE. The inside water is heated by convection. A person sitting near the fire receives heat by ___?
A: Convection
B: Conduction
C: Radiation
D: Reflection
E: None of these
ECG is used for the diagnosis of aliments of ?
A: Heart
B: Brain
C: Kidneys
D: Lungs
Barnacles growing on the back of whale is an example for ______?
A: parasitism
B: mutualism
C: amensalism
D: commensalism
Pollutants that are introduced into the environment by human activity are called as ______?
A: Quantitative pollutants
B: Qualitative pollutants
C: Anthropogenic pollutant
D: All of Above
Anthropogenic pollutant
Serum if blood plasma minus its?
A: Clotting proteins
B: Calcium ions
C: Globulins
D: none
Clotting proteins