______are negatively (-) charged particles of an atom?

A: Neutrons

B: Protons

C: Electrons

D: None of These

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Lock Jaw i.e. difficulty in opening the mouth, is a symptom of______?

A: Plague

B: Chlorea

C: Diphtheira

D: Tetanus

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The term PVC used in the plastic industry stands for____?

A: Phosphor vanadiu chloride

B: Phosphavinyl chloride

C: Polyvinyl chloride

D: Polyvinyl carbobate

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Polyvinyl chloride

The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called_______?

A: deliquescence

B: osmosis

C: efflorescence

D: desiccation

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Magnitude of energy released by an earthquake is calculated using ___?

A: Seismic scale

B: Earthquake scale

C: Richter scale

D: Temblor scale

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Richter scale

Tocopherol is the chemical name of which vitamin?

A: vitamin D

B: vitamin C

C: vitamin A

D: vitamin E

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vitamin E

The SI unit of electric current is?

A: Ampere

B: Coloumb

C: Volt

D: Watt

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EEG records the activity of_____?

A: Lungs

B: Heart

C: Brain

D: Muscles

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Sound travels__ in solid materials then liquid?

A: Slowest

B: Constant

C: Fastest

D: None of these

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Glass is made of the mixture of____?

A: Sand and Salt

B: Quartz and Mica

C: Sand and Silicates

D: None of these

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Sand and Silicates

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