Everyday Science MCQs
Everyday Science MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
An instrument to detect the purity of milk is_______?
A: Hygrometer
B: Lactometer
C: Manometer
D: Sonometer
Earthquakes occur most frequently at _____?
A: Plate surface
B: Plate boundaries
C: Ocean beds
D: All of the above
Plate boundaries
When a single month has two full moons, the second moon is called___?
A: Blue moon
B: Super moon
C: Super blue moon
D: Red moon
Blue moon
Which of the following flower is called Queen of Water?
A: Lilly
B: Rose
C: Rafflesia
D: Tulip
Study of current and past landscapes formation is known as_______?
A: Aero logy
B: Morphology
C: Geo-morphology
D: Biology
The most densest substance on the Earth is _____.
A: Copper
B: Platinum
C: Steel
D: Osmium
Which of the following is closest to a yard in length?
A: 0.1m
B: 0.01m
C: 1m
D: 10m
E: 100m
Which from the following is NOT a conductor?
A: Gold
B: Aluminium
C: Graphite
D: All are conductors
All are conductors
Ageusia is the loss of which sense?
A: Smell
B: Taste
C: Memory
D: Sight
E: Listening
The good sources of Vitamin-A are?
A: seeds
B: green leafy vegetables
C: fresh vegetables and fruits
D: sea foods
green leafy vegetables