Everyday Science MCQs
Everyday Science MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Founder of modern astronomy was _______?
A: William Gilbert
B: Archimedes
C: Nicolas Copernicus
D: Michael Faraday
E: None of these
Nicolas Copernicus
The image formed in a compound microscope is________?
A: Â inverted
B: erect
C: Â sometimes erect, sometimes inverted
D: none
Who is considered the founder of meteorology?
A: Plato
B: Aristotle
C: Einstein
D: Newton
Trachoma is a disease of the______?
A: Eyes
B: Liver
C: Lungs
D: Kidneys
A lake starts freezing because of the cold atmosphere. It will first freeze
A: ln the middle pan
B: At the bottom
C: At the top surface
D: Uniformly throughout the water body
At the top surface
Calcium sulphate is known as_____?
A: Gypsum salt
B: Epsom salt
C: Blue vitriol
D: Potash alum
Gypsum salt
What prevents the earth’s atmosphere from drifting away into space?
A: Ozone layer
B: Gravity
C: Troposphere
D: Ecosystem
Density of Milk is___?
A: 1.034 g/cm3
B: 1.024 g/cm3
C: 1.044 g/cm3
D: 1.054 g/cm3
1.034 g/cm3
The average kinetic energy of the molecules of a body determines?
A: temperature
B: heat
C: internal energy
D: none
Tyndall effect is related to the ______ of light?
A: Dispersion
B: Reflection
C: Scattering
D: Refraction