Computer Science MCQs
The computer has become the most interesting capable thing in any work. Practically all divisions have PC needs. What’s more it each critical to know the fundamental Knowledge of PC. On the off chance that you need to land a position or affirmation identified with PC, you should plan online for software engineering MCQ’S questions and replies. These Computer Science MCQs are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA, STS and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
USB stands for ________?
A: Uniform System Bus
B: Uniform Serial Bus
C: Universal Serial Bus
D: Universal System Bus
Universal Serial Bus
Window key + Shift + M
A: Utility Manager
B: Minimize all applications
C: Un-Minimize all applications
D: Show system properties
Un-Minimize all applications
Brain also known as the first computer virus for MS-DOS was written by two brothers belonging to which among the following countries?
A: India
B: Malaysia
C: Pakistan
D: Iran
The main elements of the __________ are the insertion point, end mark, mouse pointer, rulers, scroll bars, and status bar.
A: Formatting toolbar
B: Word toolbar
C: Word document window
D: Graphics toolbar
Formatting toolbar
VGA is____________?
A: Visual Graphics Array
B: Video Graphics Array
C: Volatile Graphics Array
D: Video Graphics Adapter
Video Graphics Array
IP stands for ________?
A: Internet Process
B: Intranet Process
C: Intranet Protocol
D: Internet Protocol
Internet Protocol
Ctrl+Shift+1 shortcut Keys in excel are used to __________?
A: Format number in currency format
B: Format number in comma format
C: Format number in date format
D: Format number in time format
Format number in comma format
MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and is called?
A: Enter
B: Carriage Return
C: Word Wrap
D: None of the above
Word Wrap
In IT, associative memory is called as__________?
A: Cache memory
B: Virtual memory
C: Content Addressable Memory
D: Main memory
Content Addressable Memory
PNG is a file extention of__________?
A: Video
B: Audio
C: Image
D: Flash