Computer Science MCQs
The computer has become the most interesting capable thing in any work. Practically all divisions have PC needs. What’s more it each critical to know the fundamental Knowledge of PC. On the off chance that you need to land a position or affirmation identified with PC, you should plan online for software engineering MCQ’S questions and replies. These Computer Science MCQs are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA, STS and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
Google was founded on_________?
A: 6-Mar-98
B: 4-Sep-98
C: 14-Jan-98
D: 20-Aug-98
_________ is the shortcut key to select the entire column in Excel.
A: Shift + Space bar
B: Alt + Space bar
C: Ctrl + Space bar
D: None
Ctrl + Space bar
A(n)___________system is a set of Programs containing instructions that coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources?
A: Disk- Based
B: Operating
C: Management
D: Plateform
Computers manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called___________?
A: processing
B: upgrading
C: batching
D: utilizing
Which of the following are components of Central Processing Unit (CPU) ?
A: Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
B: Arithmetic logic unit, Mouse
C: Arithmetic logic unit, Integrated Circuits
D: Control Unit, Monitor
Arithmetic logic unit, Control unit
Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor?
A: Backspace
B: End
C: Home
D: Delete
Which of the following is an example for automatic text formatting_____________?
A: Adjusting extra space
B: Underlining hyperlink
C: Replacing two -Â’s with an em hyphens
D: All of above
All of above
Where does most data go first with in a computer memory hierarchy ?
What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
A: cookies
B: operating system extensions
C: diagnostic software
D: boot diskettes
diagnostic software
In computer, ALU has____________?
A: 3units
B: 2units
C: 4units
D: 5units