Unlike other algae, diatoms do not readily decay due to___________?

A: Nonliving cells

B: Siliceous wall

C: Mucilaginous wall

D: Water proof cell

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Siliceous wall

Cell wall is extremely well preserved in fossil specimens in__________?

A: Diatoms

B: Dinoflagellates

C: Slime moulds

D: None of these

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Empty diatom cells are called___________?

A: Raphe

B: Valves

C: Frustule

D: Girdles

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In man which organisms cause abscesses on the skin of arms or legs?

A: Ascaris

B: Bacteria

C: Ring worm

D: Suinea worm

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Suinea worm

Chitin in cockroach is absent in____________?

A: Epicuticle

B: Exocuticle

C: Endocuticle

D: All of these

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Melanin pigment in cockroach is found in__________?

A: Epicuticle

B: Exocuticle

C: Endocuticle

D: All of these

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The bristles on the body of the cockroach arise from__________?

A: Epidermis

B: Trichogen cell

C: Basement membrane

D: Malpighian cell

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Trichogen cell

The wax present on the body of cockroach is secreted:

A: Mucocytes

B: Leucocytes

C: Oenocytes

D: Granulocytes

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Which organisms are sometimes called the  pastures of the sea?

A: Diatoms

B: Radiolarians

C: Dinoflagellates

D: Foraminiferans

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Diatoms belong to___________?

A: Chrysophyta

B: Bacillariophyceae

C: Xanthophyceae

D: Both A. and B.

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Both and B.

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