Higher vascular plants are also called__________?

A: flowering plants

B: seed plants

C: ferns

D: none of these

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seed plants

In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to__________?

A: nervous system

B: digestive system

C: reproductive system

D: circulatory system

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digestive system

Liver fluke is parasite in the liver of__________?

A: cattle

B: sheep

C: goat

D: all of these

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all of these

Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called_________?

A: tube feet

B: cilia

C: pseudopodia

D: flagella

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Sickle cell anemia was discovered by_________?

A: Vernon Ingram

B: Sanger

C: Miescher

D: none of these

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Vernon Ingram

Rich source of energy in seimen is__________?

A: glucose

B: fructose

C: lactose

D: sacrose

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The normal pH of human blood is____________?

A: 6.4

B: 7

C: 7.4

D: 7.5

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Bean shaped cells in plants are_________?

A: mesophyll cells

B: xylem cells

C: phloem cells

D: guard cells

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guard cells

Villi and microvilli increase__________?

A: digestion

B: assimilation

C: absorption

D: ingestion

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Water potential of pure water is__________?

A: zero

B: one

C: negative

D: two

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