What is NTS Test? - Test Preparation Online

What is NTS Test?

What is NTS Test?

here are the details,  it being Pakistan’s first, and self-sustained testing organization that conducts tests and assessments for admissions, scholarships, recruitment, and promotion purposes.

NTS is an internationally recognized testing and assessment organization facilitating in production educated and market competitive human resources.

The sample papers for admissions generally include English (Verbal), Mathematics (Quantitative), Analytical, and Subject questions, depending on the syllabus and content weightages issued by NTS for the exam.

Most of the NTS Tests consist of MCQs. The actual pattern, however, depends on the syllabus/content weightages that are issued by NTS prior to the exam on their official website.

You can also find preparation material for other testing services such as FPSC, KPPSC, LAT, OTS, etc.

Here you can find NTS’s Syllabus, Test Pattern, NTS Past Papers, NTS Sample Papers, Practice Questions, university entrance tests, recruitment tests for jobs, and other Preparation Materials.

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