Recently a few months ago Education and Literacy Department Government of Sindh (ELD) announced the recruitment for the posts of Primary School Teacher (PST BPS-09) and Junior Elementary School Teacher (JEST BPS-14) through a competitive process for which thousands of Sindhi Students are awaiting for the Jobs.
Here you can find the JEST and PST sample papers for Test Preparation.
JST PST Mock Test with Answer Key:
The mock test serves chiefly as practice for future exams, this is the Mock Test for the Preparation of JEST and PST.
For more updates on JEST and PST Jobs Preparation stay tuned on our site, our frequent check out this page for STS Test Preparation.
You can also find preparation material for other testing services such as NTS, SPSC, FPSC, etc.
سڀني دوستن کي بهترين ڪوششن تي سلام پيش ڪيان ٿو.
Excellent very helpful
How I can prepare for PST online
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Pst jest jobs test preparation