General Knowledge Quiz#2


Nawaz Sharif park located in__________?

Correct! Wrong!

The world’s first Photograph was taken in __________ ?

Correct! Wrong!

The first person to draw the map of earth?

Correct! Wrong!

Who laid first step on the Moon?

Correct! Wrong!

Bastille day is celeberated in France every year on____________?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of Chinese parliament?

Correct! Wrong!

Ogaden desert is present in__________?

Correct! Wrong!

Capital of America is___________?

Correct! Wrong!

Wadi Rum” which resemblance to the surface of Mars is located in__________?

Correct! Wrong!

“Nagorno-Karabakh” is a disputed region between?

Correct! Wrong!

Capital of China is_________?

Correct! Wrong!

Borneo Island is in which Ocean?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is not tribal community of Africa?

Correct! Wrong!

Which is the highest mountain of Africa?

Correct! Wrong!

What is kimberly in Africa famous for?

Correct! Wrong!

Who said “Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.”?

Correct! Wrong!

What country is the largest producer of corn?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is the Parliament of japan?

Correct! Wrong!

Gangotri glacier located in__________?

Correct! Wrong!

Famous Bondi Beach is located in ____________?

Correct! Wrong!

General Knowledge Quiz#2
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