Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Pakistan is a bridge state between
A: South Asia and Southeast Asia
B: South Asia and Southwest Asia
C: South Asia and Central Asia
D: South Asia and North Asia
South Asia and Central Asia
Who gave the name to All India Muslim League?
A: Nawab Viqar ul Mulk
B: Sir Agha Khan
C: Nawab Saleem ullah Khan
D: Sir Muhammad Shafi
Nawab Saleem ullah Khan
PTV started it’s transmission on:___________?
A: 20-Nov-64
B: 20-Apr-64
C: 26-Dec-68
D: 26-Nov-64
The National Program for Family Planning and Primary Healthcare was launched in__________?
A: 1979
B: 1989
C: 1994
D: 2004
Gawadar remained under Oman’s rule for ___________ Years?
A: 172
B: 174
C: 176
D: None of these
The Second largest Gas field of Pakistan is__________?
A: Qadirpur Gas Field
B: Uch Gas Field
C: Bobi Gas Field
D: Chachar Gas Field
Qadirpur Gas Field
An old heritage of Sindh , Britain’s 1904 building along with a tomb of a British employee namely Jones is located along with Unnar canal in________ ?
A: kashmore SindhÂ
B: Jacobabad Sindh
C: Shikarpur Sindh
D: None
kashmore Sindh
The second part of the Act 1935 could not be put into practice because:
A: All India Congress didn't wish to join the federal government
B: There was state of emergency on the eve of World War II
C: There was law and order problem in India
D: The Indian princes refused to join in Federation
There was state of emergency on the eve of World War II
Rupal North and Rupal South glaciers are situated in__________?
A: India
B: China
C: Nepal
D: Pakistan
The Police Martyrs Day is observed on __________ in Pakistan?
A: 1-Aug
B: 2-Aug
C: 4-Aug
D: None of these