When Was Air Commodore Muhammad Mahmood Alam Born?

A: 6th July 1935

B: 6th June 1936

C: 6th May 1936

D: 6th March 1936

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6th July 1935

Lord Mountbatten, the last Viceroy of India, called the conference of all the leaders of the Sub-continent and communicated to them his Government’s Plan for the transfer of power on__________?

A: 3rd Jan 1947

B: 3rd  June 1947

C: 3rd June 1948

D: 3rd Jan 1948

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3rd  June 1947

How many prisons are in Punjab?

A: 31

B: 32

C: 40

D: None of these

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Lord Mountbatten, Governor General of India, addressed the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on?

A: 11-Aug-47

B: 14-Aug-48

C: 14-Aug-47

D: None of these

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How many Tehsils are there in Tribal District North Waziristan?

A: 10

B: 12

C: 9

D: 8

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The administrative headquarters of North Waziristan is__________?

A: Mir Ali

B: Datta Khel

C: Miranshah

D: Ghulam khan

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What is the total area of Tribal District North Waziristan?

A: 5002km²

B: 4707km²

C: 4500km²

D: 4654km²

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Poet Shah Abdul Kareem Bulriwaro was born in___________?

A: UmerKot

B: Sanghar

C: Matiari

D: Sukkur

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Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto replaced Yahya Khan and became the President of Pakistan on_________?

A: 18 Dec, 1971

B: 19 Dec, 1971

C: 20 Dec, 1971

D: 21 Dec, 1971

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20 Dec, 1971

When did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died?

A: 11 January 1898

B: 27 March 1898

C: 02 September 1898

D: 19 December 1898

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27 March 1898

1 19 20 21 22 23 172