Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
According to 1973 constitution who elects Prime Minister?
A: Senate
B: National Assembly
C: President
D: Provincial Assemblies
National Assembly
In which constitution Bicameral Legislature was provided for the first time?
A: 1949
B: 1956
C: 1962
D: 1973
Who was the Prime Minister of Pakistan during enforcement of first constitution?
A: Mohammad Ali Bogra
B: Khwaja Nazim Uddin
C: Choudhry Mohammad Ali
D: Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar
Choudhry Mohammad Ali
What official name was given to Pakistan in 1956 constitution?
A: United States of Pakistan
B: Republic of Pakistan
C: Islamic Pakistan
D: Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
What age was prescribed for President in 1956 constitution?
A: 40 years
B: 45 years
C: 50 years
D: 55 years
40 years
In respect of religion what term was set for President and Prime Minister in 1956 constitution?
A: He may be a Muslim
B: He must not be Hindu
C: He must not be Christian
D: He must be a Muslim ( this condition applicable only on president. pm may be non-muslim)
He must be a Muslim
What was the official language declared in 1956 constitution?
A: Urdu
B: Bengali
C: Hindi
D: Both a & b
Both a & b
Who abrogated 1956 constitution?
A: Ayub Khan
B: Tikka Khan
C: Iskander Mirza
D: Yahya Khan
Iskander Mirza
When the first constitution was abrogated and Martial Law was proclaimed?
A: May-58
B: Jun-58
C: Oct-58
D: Dec-58
When Ayub Khan enforced new constitution in Pakistan?
A: 9th January 1962
B: 6th February 1962
C: 13th March 1962
D: 8th June 1962
8th June 1962