Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
In which of the following cities All India Muslim League was found?
A: Delhi
B: Lahore
C: Dhaka
D: Allahabad
Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of partition of Bengal?
A: Lord Curzon
B: Lord Wavell
C: Lord Minto
D: Lord Algan
Lord Curzon
Who was the first President of All India Muslim League?
A: Sir Agha Khan
B: Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
C: Nawab Saleem ullah Khan
D: None of them
Sir Agha Khan
In which year Ali Garh Trusteeship bill was passed?
A: 1886
B: 1887
C: 1888
D: 1889
In which year Syed Jamal-u-din Afghani died?
A: 1895
B: 1896
C: 1897
D: 1898
What was the real name of Titu Mir?
A: Nisar Ali
B: Sayed Ahmad
C: Muhammad Ali
D: None of them
Nisar Ali
Who Reviewed the famous book The Indian Musalmans in 1872?
A: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
B: Sir William Wilson Hunter
C: M Delwar Hussain
D: John King Fairbank Read More Details about this Mcq
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan?
A: Khunjerab Pass
B: Khyber Pass
C: Tochi Pass
D: Gomal Pass
Khyber Pass
Government of India Act 1858 was passed on?
A: 2nd August 1858
B: 18th July 1858
C: 24th October 1858
D: 3rd June 1858
2nd August 1858
The highest peak of Salt Range is?
A: Nanga Parbat
B: Skaser
C: Malka Parbat
D: Everest