Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
The largest Natural fresh Water Lake in the subcontinent is ___________?
A: Keenjar Lake
B: Manchar Lake
C: Hali Lake
D: None of them
Manchar Lake
Moenjodaro means ____________ ?
A: Civilised City
B: Beautiful Gardens
C: Mound of the Dead
D: Civilization
Mound of the Dead
Manchar Lake is situated in ___________ ?
A: Larkana
B: Dadu
C: Thatta
D: Jamshoro Read more about this Mcq
University of Karachi is located in _________ ?
A: Jamshoro
B: Hyderabad
C: Larkana
D: Karachi
The area of Sindh is _________ ?
A: 140,914sq.km
B: 130,914sq.km
C: 140,814sq.km
D: 120,914sq.km
The___________Moterway connects the cities of Hyderabad and Karachi in the Sindh province of Pakistan?
A: M-1 Moterway
B: M-4 Moterway
C: M-5 Moterway
D: M-9 Moterway
M-9 Moterway
How many divisions are there in Sindh ?
A: 9
B: 4
C: 7
D: 3 Read More Details about this Mcq
Ghulam Muhammad Barrage is also called ___________ ?
A: Indus Barrage
B: Kandyaro Barrage
C: Kotri Barrage
D: None of them
Kotri Barrage
Kirthar Hills are located in _________ ?
A: Sindh
B: Gilgit Baltistan
C: Panjab
The Indus River falls into the __________ ?
A: Arabian Sea
B: Cape Monze
C: Makran Coast
D: None of them
Arabian Sea