Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
The direction of Hindukush is from ?
A: North-West
B: South-West
C: North-East
D: North-South
What is the average height of Koh-e Sufaid?
A: 3200 meters
B: 3500 meters
C: 3000 meters
D: 5560 metes
3000 meters
What is the maximum height of Kirthar Range ?
A: 2150 meters
B: 2500 meters
C: 2375 meters
D: 2275 meters
2150 meters
What is the average height of Takhat-e-Sulaiman peak ?
A: 3200 meters
B: 3500 meters
C: 3300 meters
D: 3310 meters
3300 meters
What is the height of Sakasar peak ?
A: 1600 meters
B: 1500 meters
C: 1680 meters
D: 1700 meters
1500 meters
What is the average height of salt range ?
A: 675 meters
B: 700 meters
C: 640 meters
D: 590 meters
675 meters
What is the height of Siachin Glacier ?
A: 20,000 feet
B: 23,000 feet
C: 25,000 feet
D: 27,000 feet
20,000 feet
Identify the second highest Glacier of the world ?
A: Baltora Glacier
B: Batura Glacier
C: Siachin Glacier
D: None of them
Siachin Glacier
How many peaks above 8,000 meters are found in Pakistan ?
A: 7
B: 5
C: 9
D: 3
The length of Siachen Glacier is ___________ ?
A: 60km
B: 76km
C: 50km
D: 80km