Pak Study MCQs
Pak Study MCQs Test Preparation | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Who was the first Pakistani to clumb the K-2?
A: Mohsan Razvi
B: Ashraf Aman
C: Nasir Hussain
D: Zahid ALi
Ashraf Aman
The height of Potwar Plateau is ?
A: 300-600 meters
B: 200-500 meters
C: 320-550 meters
D: 380-650 meters
300-600 meters
What is the maximum height of Kirthar Range ?
A: 2150 meters
B: 2500 meters
C: 2375 meters
D: 2275 meters
2150 meters
What is the average height of Takhat-e-Sulaiman peak ?
A: 3200 meters
B: 3500 meters
C: 3300 meters
D: 3310 meters
3300 meters
What is the height of Sakasar peak ?
A: 1600 meters
B: 1500 meters
C: 1680 meters
D: 1700 meters
1500 meters
What is the average height of salt range ?
A: 675 meters
B: 700 meters
C: 640 meters
D: 590 meters
675 meters
What is the Height of Tirichmir peak ?
A: 7708 meters
B: 7350 meters
C: 7870 meters
D: 7140 meters
7708 meters
The Salt range is situated between rivers soan and _____________?
A: Chenab
B: Jhelum
C: Kabul
D: Huro
The height of Himalaya range increases as it moves from ?
A: South to North
B: East to West
C: North to South
D: West to East
South to North
Which of the following mountain peaks is called Killer Mountain ?
A: Nanga Parbat
B: Godwin Austin
C: Broad Peak
D: Raka Poshi
Nanga Parbat