Auditing MCQs
Auditing MCQs for Test Preparation Online | Latest 2025 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
In Pakistan, balance sheet audit is synonymous to___________?
A: Annual audit
B: Continuous audit
C: Detailed audit
D: Statutory audit
Annual audit
Audit programme is prepared by____________?
A: The auditor
B: The client
C: The audit assistants
D: The auditor and his audit assistants
The auditor and his audit assistants
The working papers which auditor prepares for financial statements audit are___________?
A: Evidence for audit conclusions
B: Owned by the client
C: Owned by the auditor
D: Retained in auditors office until a change in auditors
Owned by the auditor
The quantity of audit working papers complied on engagement would most be affected by__________?
A: Managements integrity
B: Auditors experience and professional judgment
C: Auditors qualification
D: Control risk
Auditors experience and professional judgment
Which of the following is not corroborative evidence?
A: Minutes of meetings
B: Confirmations from debtors
C: Information gathered by auditor through observation
D: Worksheet supporting consolidated financial statements
Worksheet supporting consolidated financial statements
The nature, timing and extent of substantive procedures is related to assessed level of control risk
A: Randomly
B: Disproportionately
C: Directly
D: Inversely
Analytical procedures issued in the planning stage of an audit, generally
A: Helps to determine the nature, timing and extent of other audit procedures
B: Directs attention to potential risk areas
C: Indicates important aspects of business
D: All of the above
All of the above
Verification refers to_________?
A: Examining the physical existence and valuation of assets.
B: Examining the journal and ledger
C: Examination of vouchers related to assets.
D: None of the above.
Examining the physical existence and valuation of assets.
Stock should be valued at_________?
A: Cost
B: Market price
C: Cost or Market price whichever is lower.
D: Cost less depreciation.
Cost or Market price whichever is lower.
Floating assets are valued at____________?
A: cost
B: Market price
C: Cost or market price whichever is lower
D: Cost less depreciation
Cost or market price whichever is lower