Bank reconciliation statement is the comparison of a bank statement (sent by bank) with the _________ (prepared by business).

A: Cash receipt journal

B: Cash payment journal

C: Cash book

D: Financial statements

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Cash book

In the Bank reconciliation statement œDeposit in transit is usually:

A: Subtracted from bank balance

B: Added to bank balance

C: Added to Cash book balance

D: Subtracted from cash book balance

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Added to bank balance

Negotiable Instrument Act was enacted in_________?

A: 1981

B: 1881

C: 1871

D: 2001

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Which of these is not an essential feature of a bill of exchange?

A: Unconditional

B: Certainty of amount

C: In writing

D: Amount to be paid in foreign currency

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Amount to be paid in foreign currency

A foreign bill of exchange is generally drawn up in___________?

A: Triplicate

B: Duplicate

C: Single

D: Quadruplicate

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Which of these are not required in a promissory note?

A: Acceptance

B: Unconditional promise to pay

C: Properly stamped

D: Payment to be made legal currency

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X draws a Bill of Exchange on Y for 10,000 on 1-1-2013 for 3 months. The due date of the bill will be_________?

A: 4/4/2013

B: 3/4/2013

C: 1/4/2013

D: 31-3-2013

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Accommodation bills are generally for?

A: Genuine trade reasons

B: For mutual financial accommodation

C: To help augment money supply

D: All the three

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For mutual financial accommodation

A cash deposit made by business appears on the bank statement as _______ balance?

A: Debit

B: Credit

C: Expenses

D: Liability

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A check returned by bank marked œNSF means that:

A: Bank cant verify your identity

B: There are not sufficient funds in your account

C: Check has been forged

D: Check cant be cashed being illegal

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There are not sufficient funds in your account

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