How many verses of Ayat-e-Tasbeeh are in the Holy Quran?

A: 200

B: 100

C: 110

D: 90

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How many Ayat e Mutfarqa are present in the Holy Quran?

A: 55

B: 66

C: 77

D: 88

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How many stages of the Quran are there?

A: 2 stages

B: 4 stages

C: 7 stages

D: 9 stages

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7 stages

Makki Period of the Holy Quran Consists of?

A: 12 Years 9 Months 5 days

B: 13 Years 9 Months 29 days

C: 12 Years

D: 11 Years 2 Months 5 days

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12 Years 9 Months 5 days

Duration of Madni Period is____________?

A: 9 Years, 10 months, 3 days

B: 9 Years, 9 Months, 9 days

C: 9 Years, 11 months, 3 days

D: 10 Years, 3 Months, 3 days

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9 Years, 9 Months, 9 days

Quran was decended____________?

A: 21 Years

B: 3 Months

C: B. 21 Years

D: 4 Months

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22 Years, 5 Months

How much Makki Surahs of the Holy Quran are there?

A: 30 Surahs

B: 32 Surahs

C: 86 Surahs

D: 35 Surahs

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86 Surahs

What was the age of Rasool Ullah (P.B.U.H) at the time of First Wahi?

A: 40 Years 6 months

B: 40 Years 8 months

C: 40 Years 10 months

D: 40 Years 11 months

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40 Years 6 months

On which place, first Wahi was decended?

A: Sore Cave

B: Hira Cave

C: Khana-Kaaba

D: None of them

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Hira Cave

How many verses (Ayats) were in first Wahi?

A: 2

B: 3

C: 4

D: 5

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