Name the mountain where the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) deputed 50 skillful archers (Teer-Andaaz) in battle of Ohad?

A: Jabal-e-Safa

B: Jabel-e-Yahnene

C: Jabal-e-ohad

D: Jabal-e-Marwa

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Which Surah of Holy Quran has 200 VERSES ?

A: Surah Yusuf

B: SuraH Hamd

C: SuraH Al Imran

D: SuraH Noon

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SuraH Al Imran

The last Sariya was fought in Syria in

A: 9 A.H

B: 10 A.H

C: 11 A.H

D: 12 A.H

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11 A.H

when the first Sariya was fought in Rabakh in_______________?

A: 1. A.H

B: 2 A.H

C: 3. A.H

D: 4 A.H

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1. A.H

In Which Surah the Holy Quran there is mention of Zulqarnain?

A: Surah Al Mujadala

B: Surah Noon

C: Surah Al Kahaf

D: SuraH Hamd

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Surah Al Kahaf

Hazrat Musa (A.S) met with Holy Prophet (S.A.W) on the __________ heaven.

A: 6th

B: 5th

C: 4th

D: 3th

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Hazrat Yunas (A.S) is addressed with two name one is ‘Dhun-Nun’ its meaning is_______ ?

A: Home of Fish

B: Lord Of the Fish

C: Friend of right

D: None of them

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Lord Of the Fish

The first Sariya was_______________?

A: Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (R.A)

B: Hazrat Usamah bin Zaid (R.A)

C: Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (R.A)

D: Hazrat Saad bin Abi Waqas (R.A)

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Hazrat Ubaidah bin Haris (R.A)

In which Surah the process for doing the woozu is mentioned?

A: A. Sura Ma’edah B. Sura Esra C. Sura Baqrah

B: D. Sura Mujadala

C: C. Sura Baqrah

D: Sura Mujadala

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A. Sura Ma’edah

How many Surahs are in 30th Chapter (Parah) of Quran?

A: 37

B: 38

C: 39

D: 40

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