PSR J0108-1431 is the closest known ____ to Earth?

A: Red giant

B: Black hole

C: Quasar

D: Pulsar

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Which Planet has purple rocks according to NASA ?

A: Neptune

B: Jupitar

C: Earth

D: Mars

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The chemical name of “Acid” (Tezaab) is______?

A: Sodium chloride

B: Sulfuric acid

C: Citric Acid

D: None of these

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Sulfuric acid

Fathom is the unit of measurement for_____?

A: Depth

B: Sound

C: Energy

D: Time

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The function of hemoglobin is_______?

A: Destruction of bacteria

B: Transportation of oxygen

C: Prevention of anemia

D: Utilization of energy

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Transportation of oxygen

Rate of evaporation of petrol is greater than that of water at room temperature because:

A: petrol is an organic compound

B: petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond

C: water molecules have small size

D: petrol molecules have greater size

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petrol molecules do not have any hydrogen bond

Twinkling of stars is caused by ?

A: Polarization of light

B: Reflection of light

C: refraction of light

D: Interference of light

E: None of these

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refraction of light

A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of_____?

A: Sound

B: Sight

C: Both of these

D: None of these

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Both of these

Meteorology is the study of?

A: Atmosphere

B: Seasons

C: Air and sounds

D: Winds and clouds

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The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called ________?

A: The Frigid Zone

B: The Torrid Zone

C: The Temperature Zone

D:  The Hardiness Zone

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The Frigid Zone

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