Synonyms Mcqs
Synonyms Mcqs Test Preparation | Latest 2020 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Synonym of endow is _________?
A: immobilize
B: to approve
C: provide
D: embark
Synonym of inundate is _________?
A: surrender
B: overwhelm
C: destroy
D: flood
E: conquer
Synonym of homily is _________?
A: household
B: cereal
C: sermon
D: suburb
E: pension
Synonym of avert is _________?
A: oppose
B: surrender
C: affirm
D: prevent
Synonym of Abstinence?
A: Sobriety
B: Abstemious
C: All of these
D: Temperance
All of these
Synonym of Emancipate is_________?
A: Incorporate
B: Emanate
C: Release
D: Defame
Synonym of lodestar is _________?
A: burden
B: guiding principle
C: symbol of authority
D: optical illusion
guiding principle
Synonym of hamlet is _________?
A: benefactor
B: actor
C: village
D: small rodent
E: introvert
Synonym of ferret is _________?
A: weigh
B: conceal
C: search
D: disperse
Synonym of incontrovertible is _________?
A: beyond dispute
B: long established
C: non-negotiable
D: lacking control
beyond dispute