Synonyms Mcqs
Synonyms Mcqs Test Preparation | Latest 2020 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Synonym of abettor is _________?
A: slaughter-house
B: gambler
C: factor
D: encourager
E: author
Synonym of mores is _________?
A: customs
B: morals
C: fiscal year
D: taxes
E: swamp
Synonym of Bibulous is _______?
A: Boozy
B: Huge
C: Both B & C
D: Sottish
Both B & C
Synonym of OBLIQUE is _____________?
A: Bore
B: Horizontal
C: Disregard
D: Slanting
Synonym of WARY is _____________?
A: Negligent
B: Heedless
C: Reckless
D: Prudent
Synonym of Uproar is _________?
A: Calm
B: Acquiescence
C: Placid
D: Turmoil
Synonym of sumptuous is _________?
A: irritable
B: swampy
C: fancy
D: meagre
E: lavish
Synonym of Infringe is _____________?
A: Escape
B: Breach
C: Bound
D: Hard
Synonym of copse is _______?
A: box
B: thicket
C: cloud
D: stone hut
Synonym of Farrago is_____________?
A: A confused mixture
B: Fear of strangers
C: Synopsis
D: Free of cost
A confused mixture