Synonym of Decimate is _________?

A: Promote

B: Destroy

C: Dissipate

D: Disfigure

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Synonym of punctilious is _________?

A: varied

B: scrupulous

C: prompt

D: ready

E: vicarious

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Synonym of ancillary is _________?

A: near

B: important

C: auxiliary

D: similar

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Synonym of abut is _________?

A: border on

B: strike

C: protrude

D: cut

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border on

Synonym of mere is _________?

A: incomplete

B: humble

C: inferior

D: only

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Synonym of Fealty is _____________?

A: Non-Alliance

B: Loyalty

C: Fear

D: B. Amenity

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Synonym of buoyancy is _________?

A: durability

B: sadness

C: simplicity

D: cheerfulness

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Synonym of deprecate is _________?

A: denounce

B: plead earnestly against

C: devaluate

D: belittle

E: dishonor

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Synonym of senescent is _________?

A: ageing

B: sensitive

C: sweet smelling

D: sleepy

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Synonym of implant is _________?

A: till

B: inculcate

C: transplant

D: hybridize

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