Synonyms Mcqs
Synonyms Mcqs Test Preparation | Latest 2020 Quiz FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA MCQs Test Questions.
Synonym of ramification is _________?
A: combination
B: problem
C: consequence
D: reinforcement
Synonym of EAGER is __________ ?
A: Clever
B: Devoted
C: Enthusiastic
D: Curious
Synonym of loquacious is _________?
A: gregarious
B: situated
C: antisocial
D: taciturn
E: garrulous
Synonym of VAGRANT is _____________?
A: Stable
B: Roving
C: Stubborn
D: Honoured
Synonym of pneumatic is _________?
A: automatic
B: pertaining to air
C: elastic
D: sick
E: plotted
pertaining to air
Synonym of culprit is _________?
A: cruel man
B: wrongdoer
C: unpleasant person
D: victim
Synonym of bicker is _________?
A: offend
B: bargain
C: squabble
D: fret
Synonym of vestige is _________?
A: trace
B: clothing
C: hallway
D: under-garment
E: hope
Synonym of altercation is ________?
A: repair
B: adjustment
C: split personality
D: quarrel
E: echo
Synonym of impoverish is _________?
A: be unthrifty
B: oppress
C: make poor
D: punish
make poor