Current Affairs MCQs
At Current Affairs MCQs you will find MCQs related to Current International Issues, Atmosphere, Science, Geography & Literature, International Organizations, and events. These Current Affairs questions are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, STS, ETEA, and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
Which country has passed a bill to empower to dissolve National Assembly in October 2020?
A: India
B: Sri-Lanka
C: Bangladesh
D: Turkey
The World Food Programme (WFP) has its HQ in ____________?
A: Paris, France
B: Rome, Italy
C: New York, USA
D: Vienna, Austria
Rome, Italy
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2020 has been awarded for the discovery of ______?
A: Black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity
B: Of a supermassive compact object at the centre of our galaxy
C: Both A & B
D: None of these
Both A & B
When Was the first case of Corona Virus Reported outside China?
A: 13-Mar-20
B: 13-Jan-20
C: 13-Feb-20
D: 13-Apr-20
Where was the First CoronaVirus Case Reported Outside China?
A: France
B: India
C: Japan
D: Italy
When did First CoronaVirus Patient die Outside China?
A: 2-Feb-20
B: 3-Feb-20
C: 4-Feb-20
D: 5-Feb-20
Where First CoronaVirus Patient Died Outside China?
B: Italy
C: Japan
D: Philippines
When Was First CoronaVirus Case Reported in USA?
A: 20-Jan-20
B: 20-Feb-20
C: 20-Mar-20
D: 20-Apr-20
When First CoronaVirus Patient Died in USA ?
A: 2-Mar-20
B: 29-Apr-20
C: 29-Feb-20
D: 29-Mar-20
When Was First Corona Virus Case Reported in Pakistan?
A: 26-Jan-20
B: 26-Feb-20
C: 26-Mar-20
D: 26-Apr-20