Computer Science MCQs
The computer has become the most interesting capable thing in any work. Practically all divisions have PC needs. What’s more it each critical to know the fundamental Knowledge of PC. On the off chance that you need to land a position or affirmation identified with PC, you should plan online for software engineering MCQ’S questions and replies. These Computer Science MCQs are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA, STS and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
Which is termed as the fastest Computer in the World recently in June 2020?
A: Fugaku
B: sequoia
C: Tianhe-2A
D: Frontera
Abacus was the first __________________.
A: mechanical computer
B: Electronic computer
C: electronic calculator
D: mechanical calculator
mechanical calculator
MS-Access is program for____________?
A: Documentation
B: Presentation
C: Calculation
D: Data Base
Data Base
Smallest font size in MS-word is____________?
A: 8
B: 6
C: 10
D: 12
Compiler can check___________?
A: Logical Error
B: Syntax Error
C: Both Logical and Syntax Error
D: None of these
Syntax Error
The header and footer command are located on the _______ tab in Ms Word?
A: Insert
B: Home
C: View
D: Header
A detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program, along with the test results and a printout of the program is called___________?
A: output
B: documentation
C: reporting
D: spec sheets
Combination of two or more topologies are called _______ ?
A: Star
B: Hybrid
C: Bus
D: Ring
Changing the appearance of a document is called___________?
A: Editing
B: Proofing
C: Formatting
D: All of above
In Excel which key is used for format number in scientific format?
A: Ctrl+Shift+3
B: Ctrl+Shift+6
C: Ctrl+Shift+5
D: Ctrl+Shift+4