Computer Science MCQs
The computer has become the most interesting capable thing in any work. Practically all divisions have PC needs. What’s more it each critical to know the fundamental Knowledge of PC. On the off chance that you need to land a position or affirmation identified with PC, you should plan online for software engineering MCQ’S questions and replies. These Computer Science MCQs are very important for all types of tests conducted by FPSC, NTS, KPPSC, PPSC, SPSC, BPSC, OTS, UTS, PTS, CTS, ATS, ETEA, STS and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
In power point ellipse motion is____________?
A: Slide Timing
B: Animation
C: Visual Widgets
D: None of these
A character that is raised and smaller above the base line is known as?
A: Raised
B: Outline
C: Subscript
D: Superscript
Which of the following is the slowest in accessing data?
A: Hard disk
B: Zip disk
C: Floppy disk
D: Magnetic disk
Magnetic disk
Which keystroke is used for updating a field in Ms Word?
A: F9
B: F6
C: F11
D: F12
Personnel who design, program, operate and maintain computer equipment refers to__________?
A: Programmer
B: Console-operator
C: Peopleware
D: System Analyst
In Power Point SpeakerÂ’s information is expressed in___________?
A: Notes
B: Nav Panel
C: SpeakerÂ’s Panel
D: Both
E: B. and C.
Both and C.
The first electronic computer was developed by____________?
A: Bill Gates
B: J.V. Attansoff
C: Simur Cray
D: Winton Serf
J.V. Attansoff
What is the extension of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003?
A: doc
B: dot
C: dom
D: txt
MIS is designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by?
A: Workers
B: Consumers
C: Foremen
D: Managers
Who is called the “grand father” of the computer?
A: Charles Babbage
B: Blaise Pascal
C: Joseph Jacquard
D: Dr. Herman Hollerith
Charles Babbage